Module 8, Part 2: Java interfaces#

In this second part of Module 8 we study how to define a Java interface, and how to write reusable code based on that interface.

Defining and Using interfaces in Java#

When designing and writing Java programs, we may sometimes need to handle objects that should intuitively belong to different classes, and yet, have very similar programming interfaces.

In these situations, Java allows us to define and give a name to commonly-used programming interfaces, by using the keyword interface; then, we can write reusable code that works on any object that provides the desired interface.

The idea, in a nutshell, is:

  • We can define an interface with a list of so-called abstract methods, i.e. method names with argument and return types, but without a body. For example, we may define an interface like the following: intuitively, it describes any object that “can be moved,” and contains one abstract method called move that takes two doubles and returns nothing (void):

    interface CanBeMoved {
        public void move(double dx, double dy);
  • Then, we define our classes as usual — but when defining a class, we can also specify that the class implements one or more interfaces — i.e. the class provides all the methods required by the interface. For example, reprising the class Point from a previous assignment, we can write:

    1class Point implements CanBeMoved {
    2    public double x;
    3    public double y;
    5    public void move(double dx, double dy) {
    6        // ...code that adds 'dx' and 'dy' to the point coordinates...
    7    }

    On line 1, ... implements CanBeMoved ... means that the class Point satisfies the requirements of the interface CanBeMoved — i.e., the class includes the definition of the method public void move(double dx, double dy) (including the method body, i.e. the actual implementation of the method). Note that, if the class Point does not implement all the method(s) required by the interface CanBeMoved, Java will report an error.

  • As a consequence, we will be able to call all the methods of the interface CanBeMoved on any object of the class Point — e.g. if p has type Point, then we can call p.move(...). Moreover, every object of the class Point also gets the additional type CanBeMoved.

To explore more concretely how Java interfaces work and when they are useful, we start with a problem: writing a program for managing the DTU Christmas party. Then, we discuss:

  • a first solution based on using classes and objects as we have seen thus far;

  • a second solution, also based on using classes and objects as we have seen thus far;

  • a third solution that addresses the drawbacks of the previous two solutions, by defining and using an interface.

The Problem: the DTU Christmas Party Management Software#

Consider this scenario: DTU is organising its annual Christmas party, and asks us to write a program to handle the list of people who will attend. The requirements are the following:

  • All DTU employees can attend the party;

  • Guests with a ticket can also attend the party;

  • The program must provide a description of each person attending the party — including:

    • the person’s role (employee or guest), and

    • the person’s name, and

    • either:

      • the department (if the person is an employee), or

      • the ticket number (if the person is a guest).

  • The program must print three different reports showing:

    • the list of DTU employees attending the party;

    • the list of guests attending the party;

    • the list of all people attending the party.

The requirements above suggests that we should have some class to represent and store the information of each individual employee or guest at the party.

The examples below address this problem in two ways:

Example 51 (DTU Christmas Party — solution 1 (Employee and Guest classes))

We could address the task by defining two classes for the two kinds of people that can attend the Christmas party: one class representing a Guest and another class representing a DTU Employee, as shown below. Both classes have a field to store the person’s name (as a String) and provide a method getInfo() that returns a String describing the person.

 1class Employee {
 2    public String name;
 3    public String department;
 5    public Employee(String name, String department) {
 6 = name;
 7        this.department = department;
 8    }
10    public String getInfo() {
11        return "Employee, " + this.department;
12    }
15class Guest {
16    public String name;
17    public int ticketNumber;
19    public Guest(String name, int ticketNumber) {
20 = name;
21        this.ticketNumber = ticketNumber;
22    }
24    public String getInfo() {
25        return "Guest, ticket " + this.ticketNumber;
26    }

Using the classes above, we can write the following sample program, that creates a few employees and guests, stores them into arrays, and prints a draft of the reports outlined in the software requirements above.

 1class ChristmasParty {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var e1 = new Employee("Ida Iversen", "DTU Aqua");
 4        var e2 = new Employee("Oliver Olesen", "DTU Construct");
 5        var e3 = new Employee("Alceste Scalas", "DTU Compute");
 7        var g1 = new Guest("Laura Lund", 123);
 8        var g2 = new Guest("Emma Ebbesen", 75);
10        var employees = new Employee[] { e1, e2, e3 };
11        var guests = new Guest[] { g1, g2 };
13        System.out.println("List of people at the DTU Christmas party: ");
14        printEmployees(employees);
15        printGuests(guests);
17        System.out.println("List of DTU employees at the party: ");
18        printEmployees(employees);
20        System.out.println("List of guests at the party: ");
21        printGuests(guests);
22    }
24    private static void printEmployees(Employee[] employees) {
25        for (var e: employees) {
26            System.out.println("    - " + + " (" + e.getInfo() + ")");
27        }
28    }
30    private static void printGuests(Guest[] guests) {
31        for (var g: guests) {
32            System.out.println("    - " + + " (" + g.getInfo() + ")");
33        }
34    }

The program’s output satisfies the requirements:

List of people at the DTU Christmas party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)
List of DTU employees at the party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
List of guests at the party: 
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)

However, we can notice two drawbacks:

  • there is duplicated code: the two static methods printEmployees(...) (lines 24–28) and printGuests(...) (lines 30–34) are pretty much the same, except for the type of the argument (array of Employees vs. array of Guests). This suggests that, as the program becomes more complex, we may need to duplicate the code of all the functionalities that need to work on both Employees and Guests;

  • similarly, we need to keep two distinct arrays for Employees and Guests; we cannot define an array that contains all people attending the party.

To address these drawback, we try a different approach, presented in Example 52 below.

Example 52 (DTU Christmas Party — solution 2 (one Person class))

We now address the task by defining one class Person (shown below) representing a generic person attending the Christmas party, with some code that checks whether the person is an employee or a guest. Notice, in particular:

  • The class Person defines a field isEmployee which should have the value true in objects that represent an employee, and false in objects that represent a guest;

  • Each object of the class Person has fields for storing both the person’s department and the ticket number: these fields are used (or not) depending on whether the person is an employee or guest (as shown in the body of the method getInfo());

  • we define two constructors:

    • one constructor taking a String argument for the name, and a String argument for the department. This constructor sets up the object to represent an employee;

    • another constructor taking a String argument for the name, and an int argument for the ticket number. This constructor sets up the object to represent a guest.

 1class Person {
 2    public boolean isEmployee;
 3    public String name;
 4    public String department;
 5    public int ticketNumber;
 7    public Person(String name, String department) {
 8        this.isEmployee = true;
 9 = name;
10        this.department = department;
11    }
13    public Person(String name, int ticketNumber) {
14        this.isEmployee = false;
15 = name;
16        this.ticketNumber = ticketNumber;
17    }
19    public String getInfo() {
20        if (this.isEmployee) {
21            return "Employee, " + this.department;
22        } else {
23            return "Guest, ticket " + this.ticketNumber;
24        }
25    }

Using the class Person above, we can write the following sample program, that creates a few employees and guests, stores them into arrays, and prints a draft of the reports outlined in the software requirements.

 1class ChristmasParty {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var e1 = new Person("Ida Iversen", "DTU Aqua");
 4        var e2 = new Person("Oliver Olesen", "DTU Construct");
 5        var e3 = new Person("Alceste Scalas", "DTU Compute");
 7        var g1 = new Person("Laura Lund", 123);
 8        var g2 = new Person("Emma Ebbesen", 75);
10        var people = new Person[] { e1, g1, e2, e3, g2 };
11        var employees = new Person[] { e1, e2, e3 };
12        var guests = new Person[] { g1, g2 };
14        System.out.println("List of people at the DTU Christmas party: ");
15        printPeople(people);
17        System.out.println("List of DTU employees at the party: ");
18        printPeople(employees);
20        System.out.println("List of guests at the party: ");
21        printPeople(guests);
22    }
24    private static void printPeople(Person[] people) {
25        for (var p: people) {
26            System.out.println("    - " + + " (" + p.getInfo() + ")");
27        }
28    }

The output of this new program satisfies the requirements:

List of people at the DTU Christmas party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)
List of DTU employees at the party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
List of guests at the party: 
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)

The code above has less duplication than the solution shown in Example 51: there is just one static method called printPeople(..) that handles both employees and guests. Also, this new solution gives us the flexibility of putting employees and guests in separate arrays, or in a same array, depending on our needs.

However, this new solution also has two drawbacks:

  • there are redundant fields in the class Person: every object of that class stores the values of both the person’s department and the ticket number — but only one of those fields is actually used, depending on whether the field isEmployee is true or false;

  • we have less type safety: if we make a slight mistake on lines 10–12 of the static method ChristmasParty.main(...), we may put an employee object inside the guests array (or vice versa, we may put a guest object inside the employees array), and Java will not report any error. We would only notice the mistake when running the program.

To address these drawbacks, and the ones discussed in Example 51 above, we examine a third solution using Java interfaces.

Implementing the DTU Christmas Party Software Using interfaces#

We now explore another approach to the DTU Christmas Party software that addresses the drawbacks of the solutions shown in Example 51 and Example 52.

Observe the classes Employee and Guest in Example 51, and how they are used in In particular, observe that:

  • both classes Employee and Guest offer a public field called name, that the program only uses to read the name of the employee or guest;

  • both classes Employee and Guest offer a public method called getInfo(), that takes no arguments and returns a String.

We can capture this common programming interface by defining a Java interface called e.g. Person, and defined as:

1interface Person {
2    public String getName();
3    public String getInfo();

Then, we slightly revise the two classes Employee and Guest in Example 51, with two variations:

  1. we declare that both Employee and Guest implement the methods required by the interface Person, by writing ... implements Person ... in each class definition;

  2. we add the implementation of the method getName(), which simply returns the name of the employee or guest.


The interface Person includes the method getName() (instead of a field called name) due to a technical constraint: Java interfaces allow us to require the presence of specific methods, but they do not allow us to require the presence of specific fields. Therefore, the only way to write an interface which allows us to retrieve the name of a Person is to include a method like getName().

The resulting updated classes are shown below: the differences with Example 51 are highlighted.

 1class Employee implements Person {
 2    public String name;
 3    public String department;
 5    public Employee(String name, String department) {
 6 = name;
 7        this.department = department;
 8    }
10    public String getName() {
11        return;
12    }
14    public String getInfo() {
15        return "Employee, " + this.department;
16    }
19class Guest implements Person {
20    public String name;
21    public int ticketNumber;
23    public Guest(String name, int ticketNumber) {
24 = name;
25        this.ticketNumber = ticketNumber;
26    }
28    public String getName() {
29        return;
30    }
32    public String getInfo() {
33        return "Guest, ticket " + this.ticketNumber;
34    }

The relationship between the interface Person and the revised classes Employee and Guest is graphically depicted in the UML class diagram in Fig. 19 below.

UML class diagram of the interface 'Person' and classes 'Person' and 'Employee'

Fig. 19 UML class diagram showing the relationship between the interface Person and the revised classes Employee and Guest.#

The diagram in Fig. 19 is interpreted as follows:

  • the interface Person at the top shows the abstract methods required by the interface definition, with the corresponding arguments (if any) and return types. For instance: the interface Person specifies a method getName() that takes no arguments and returns a String;

  • the classes Employee and Guest show their respective constructors and methods (if any), with their respective argument types. For instance: the constructor of Employee takes two arguments (name and department) both having type String;

  • the dashed arrows mean that the class at the origin of the arrow implements the interface pointed by the arrow (e.g. the class Employee implements the interface Person, hence Employee must implement the methods getName() and getInfo(), even if they are not shown explicitly in the class diagram).

Now, with the definitions above, we can use Person as a type: in fact, Person is the type of all objects of any class which implements the interface Person. Therefore, any object of the class Employee has also type Person, and any object of the class Guest has also type Person.

Consequently, using the interface Person and the revised classes Employee and Guest above, we can revise the program in Example 51 and make it very similar to the simpler version discussed in Example 52: the result is shown below. (The differences with Example 52 are highlighted.)

 1class ChristmasParty {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var e1 = new Employee("Ida Iversen", "DTU Aqua");
 4        var e2 = new Employee("Oliver Olesen", "DTU Construct");
 5        var e3 = new Employee("Alceste Scalas", "DTU Compute");
 7        var g1 = new Guest("Laura Lund", 123);
 8        var g2 = new Guest("Emma Ebbesen", 75);
10        var people = new Person[] { e1, g1, e2, e3, g2 };
11        var employees = new Employee[] { e1, e2, e3 };
12        var guests = new Guest[] { g1, g2 };
14        System.out.println("List of people at the DTU Christmas party: ");
15        printPeople(people);
17        System.out.println("List of DTU employees at the party: ");
18        printPeople(employees);
20        System.out.println("List of guests at the party: ");
21        printPeople(guests);
22    }
24    private static void printPeople(Person[] people) {
25        for (var p: people) {
26            System.out.println("    - " + p.getName()
27                                + " (" + p.getInfo() + ")");
28        }
29    }

Observe that this new program addresses the drawbacks of both Example 51 and Example 52:

  • we can now create an array of type Person[] (line 10), i.e. an array that contains any object offering the methods of the interface Person. Therefore, the array people can contain both objects of the class Employee, and objects of the class Guest;

  • we can also define arrays containing elements of the class Employee only, or Guest only (lines 11–12): if we make a mistake and try to put e.g. the employee e1 inside the array guests, Java will report a type error, and the program will not compile;

  • we can also define methods that take as arguments any object (or array of objects) implementing the interface Person. In particular, printPeople(...) (lines 24–29) takes as argument an array of objects that implement the interface Person, and only uses the methods provided by that interface (i.e. getName() and getInfo()). Consequently, printPeople(...) is very reusable: the program calls it three times with arrays containing Persons (line 15), Employees (line 18), and Guests (line 21).

Notice that method calls on objects of type Person, like p.getInfo() (line 27), will call the method provided by the object in p: therefore, if the object in p is a Guest, then p.getInfo() will call the method getInfo() of the class Guest, which returns a string like "Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)".

The output of the program above is the following, and respects the requirements:

List of people at the DTU Christmas party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)
List of DTU employees at the party: 
    - Ida Iversen (Employee, DTU Aqua)
    - Oliver Olesen (Employee, DTU Construct)
    - Alceste Scalas (Employee, DTU Compute)
List of guests at the party: 
    - Laura Lund (Guest, ticket 123)
    - Emma Ebbesen (Guest, ticket 75)

Extending Interfaces and Implementing Multiple Interfaces#

Our Java code can define and use as many interfaces as we need. We can also combine the interfaces in two ways:

  • We can extend an interface. For example, if we define:

    interface CommercialDriver extends Person {
        public int getLicenseNumber();

    then the interface CommercialDriver has all the methods of Person, plus the method getLicenseNumber(). Then, if we define a class like e.g.:

    class TaxiDriver implements CommercialDriver {
        // ...

    Then the class TaxiDriver must implement all the methods of CommercialDriver (including those of Person); moreover, each object of the class TaxiDriver has also the types CommercialDriver and Person.

  • We can write classes that implement multiple interfaces. For example, if we define:

    interface HasGpsTag {
        public double getDistanceFrom(double latitude, double longitude);

    then we can define classes that implement both the methods of Person and HasGpsTag, like:

    class PoliceAgent implements Person, HasGpsTag {
        // ...

    Moreover, each object of the class PoliceAgent has also the types Person and HasGpsTag.

Example 53 below shows both these features in action.

Example 53 (Office supplies shop)

We are asked to write the software that manages the inventory of a shop that sells office supplies — in particular, scanners and printers. The requirements are:

  • every device sold by the shop has a model, a description, and a serial code;

  • the shop handles three kinds of devices with different functionalities:

    • scanners can scan, and we need to store and retrieve their scanning resolution in DPI (dots per inch);

    • printers can print, and we need to store and retrieve their printing resolution in DPI;

    • all-in-one devices can both scan and print, and we need to store and retrieve both their scanning and printing resolutions in DPI.

The software we are going to write must handle the devices according to their scanning and printing functionalities.

After some analysis, we decide to organise our program with:

  • a basic interface Device with methods to get the model, description, and serial code of a device;

  • an interface CanScan that extends Device with a method to get the scanning resolution;

  • an interface CanPrint that extends Device with a method to get the printing resolution;

  • three classes representing the three kinds of devices sold by the shop, and their functionalities:

    • Scanner, implementing the interface CanScan;

    • Printer, implementing the interface CanPrint;

    • AllInOne, implementing both interfaces CanScan and CanPrint.

The corresponding UML class diagram is shown in Fig. 20 below, where:

  • each interface and class specifies its methods, with argument types and return types;

  • the solid arrows show when an interface (the origin of the arrow) extends another interface (the target of the arrow);

  • the dashed arrows show when a class (the origin of the arrow) implements one or more interfaces (the target(s) of the arrow).

UML class diagram for the office supplies shop software

Fig. 20 UML class diagram showing the relationship between the interfaces and classes of the “office supplies shop” example. Observe that the interfaces CanScan and CanPrint extend the basic interface Device, and the class AllInOne implements two interfaces.#

The corresponding interface and class definitions are shown below. Notice that we keep all fields private, but their value can be retrieved by calling the appropriate interface methods.

  1interface Device {
  2    public String getModel();
  3    public String getDescription();
  4    public String getSerialCode();
  7interface CanScan extends Device {
  8    public int getScannerDPI();
 11interface CanPrint extends Device {
 12    public int getPrinterDPI();
 15class Scanner implements CanScan {
 16    private String model;
 17    private int dpi;
 18    private String serialCode;
 20    public Scanner(String model, int dpi, String serialCode) {
 21        this.model = model;
 22        this.dpi = dpi;
 23        this.serialCode = serialCode;
 24    }
 26    public String getModel() {
 27        return this.model;
 28    }
 30    public String getSerialCode() {
 31        return this.serialCode;
 32    }
 34    public int getScannerDPI() {
 35        return dpi;
 36    }
 38    public String getDescription() {
 39        return "Scanner";
 40    }
 43class Printer implements CanPrint {
 44    private String model;
 45    private int dpi;
 46    private String serialCode;
 48    public Printer(String model, int dpi, String serialCode) {
 49        this.model = model;
 50        this.dpi = dpi;
 51        this.serialCode = serialCode;
 52    }
 54    public String getModel() {
 55        return this.model;
 56    }
 58    public String getSerialCode() {
 59        return this.serialCode;
 60    }
 62    public int getPrinterDPI() {
 63        return dpi;
 64    }
 66    public String getDescription() {
 67        return "Printer";
 68    }
 71class AllInOne implements CanScan, CanPrint {
 72    private String model;
 73    private int scannerDpi;
 74    private int printerDpi;
 75    private String serialCode;
 77    public AllInOne(String model, int scanDpi, int printDpi, String serialCode) {
 78        this.model = model;
 79        this.scannerDpi = scanDpi;
 80        this.printerDpi = printDpi;
 81        this.serialCode = serialCode;
 82    }
 84    public String getModel() {
 85        return this.model;
 86    }
 88    public String getSerialCode() {
 89        return this.serialCode;
 90    }
 92    public int getPrinterDPI() {
 93        return this.printerDpi;
 94    }
 96    public int getScannerDPI() {
 97        return this.scannerDpi;
 98    }
100    public String getDescription() {
101        return "Multifunction scanner + printer";
102    }

Finally, we write a sample program that uses these interfaces and classes, as shown below. Notice that:

  • the array devices (line 12) can contain any object that implements the basic interface Device;

  • the array scanners (line 13) can contain any object with scanning functionality (i.e. having type/interface CanScan) — and this includes both simple scanners and all-in-one devices. However, the array scanners cannot contain objects without the type/interface CanScan, like the simple printers p1 and p2.

  • similarly, the array printers (line 14) can only contain objects having the type/interface CanPrint — which excludes simple scanners like s1 and s2;

  • similar considerations and restrictions apply for the methods showDevices(...), showScanners(...), and showPrinters(...).

 1class OfficeSupplies {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var s1 = new Scanner("Canon CanoScan Lide 300", 4800, "A123Z");
 4        var s2 = new Scanner("Epson Perfection V600", 6400, "A456L");
 6        var p1 = new Printer("Brother HL-L2310D", 2400, "B127F");
 7        var p2 = new Printer("HP LaserJet M110we", 600, "B199H");
 9        var a1 = new AllInOne("Xerox WorkCentre 3025", 600, 1200, "C235N");
10        var a2 = new AllInOne("Kyocera MA2001", 600, 1800, "C421A");
12        var devices = new Device[] {s1, s2, p1, p2, a1, a2};
13        var scanners = new CanScan[] {s1, s2, a1, a2};
14        var printers = new CanPrint[] {p1, p2, a1, a2};
16        System.out.println("All devices:");
17        showDevices(devices);
19        System.out.println("Devices with scanning functionality:");
20        showScanners(scanners);
22        System.out.println("Devices with printing functionality:");
23        showPrinters(printers);
24    }
26    private static void showDevices(Device[] devices) {
27        for (var d: devices) {
28            System.out.println("  - " + d.getModel()
29                                + " (" + d.getDescription()
30                                + ", serial: " + d.getSerialCode() + ")");
31        }
32    }
34    private static void showScanners(CanScan[] scanners) {
35        for (var s: scanners) {
36            System.out.println("  - " + s.getModel()
37                                + " (DPI: " + s.getScannerDPI()
38                                + ", serial: " + s.getSerialCode() + ")");
39        }
40    }
42    private static void showPrinters(CanPrint[] printers) {
43        for (var p: printers) {
44            System.out.println("  - " + p.getModel()
45                                + " (DPI: " + p.getPrinterDPI()
46                                + ", serial: " + p.getSerialCode() + ")");
47        }
48    }

The output of the program is:

All devices:
  - Canon CanoScan Lide 300 (Scanner, serial: A123Z)
  - Epson Perfection V600 (Scanner, serial: A456L)
  - Brother HL-L2310D (Printer, serial: B127F)
  - HP LaserJet M110we (Printer, serial: B199H)
  - Xerox WorkCentre 3025 (Multifunction scanner + printer, serial: C235N)
  - Kyocera MA2001 (Multifunction scanner + printer, serial: C421A)
Devices with scanning functionality:
  - Canon CanoScan Lide 300 (DPI: 4800, serial: A123Z)
  - Epson Perfection V600 (DPI: 6400, serial: A456L)
  - Xerox WorkCentre 3025 (DPI: 600, serial: C235N)
  - Kyocera MA2001 (DPI: 600, serial: C421A)
Devices with printing functionality:
  - Brother HL-L2310D (DPI: 2400, serial: B127F)
  - HP LaserJet M110we (DPI: 600, serial: B199H)
  - Xerox WorkCentre 3025 (DPI: 1200, serial: C235N)
  - Kyocera MA2001 (DPI: 1800, serial: C421A)


When writing the methods of a class, it is good practice to annotate all the the methods required by an interface, by writing @Override just above the method itself.

For instance, in Example 53 above we may annotate with @Override all the methods of Scanner which are required by the interface CanScan:

class Scanner implements CanScan {
    // ...

    public String getModel() {
        // ...

    public String getSerialCode() {
        // ...

    public int getScannerDPI() {
        // ...

    public String getDescription() {
        // ...

These annotations are not mandatory, but help us visually distinguishing between “required” methods (i.e. those required by an interface) and other methods that we can change or delete more freely. Moreover, Java will help us by reporting an error if we annotate with @Override a method that is not required by any interface.

Concluding Remarks#

You should now have an understanding of how to define, extend, and implement interfaces in Java;

At this stage, you should also start using Visual Studio Code with the Java Extension Pack.

References and Further Readings#

You are invited to read the following section of the reference book: (Note: it might mention Java features that we will address later in the course)

  • Section 7.5 - “Interfaces”


Exercise 30 (Experimenting with private fields)

Consider all the classes presented in the code samples shown in this Module: try to turn each class field from public into private (one field at a time), and check whether the code that uses the class still compiles and runs correctly.

Observe, in particular, the classes Employee and Guest in Example 51:

  • What happens if you turn their field name from public into private?

  • Can you revise the code to keep the field name private, but allow retrieving the name with a method called e.g. getName()?

Lab and Weekly Assessments#

During the lab you can try the exercises above or begin your work on the weekly assessments below.


04 - Vehicle Fleet Management#

You are helping a company develop the software that will manage their fleet of vehicles. The company has two kinds of vehicles: minivans and trucks.

Your task is to edit the file provided in the handout, and write two classes called Minivan and Truck representing the two kinds of vehicles. Each one of these classes must implement an interface called Vehicle (that you also need to write), with the following methods:

  • public String getModel();

    which returns the model of the vehicle.

  • public String getRegistrationPlate()

    which returns the registration plate of the vehicle.

Besides implementing the Vehicle interface, the Minivan and Truck classes have the following requirements:

  • The Minivan class must provide:

    • a public constructor that takes the minivan model (a String), registration plate (a String), and number of seats (an int); and

    • a public field called seats (of type int), which is the number of seats in the minivan.

  • The Truck class must provide:

    • a public constructor that takes the truck model (a String), registration plate (a String), and maximum load in kg (a double); and

    • a public field called maxLoad (of type double) with the maximum load of the truck in kg.

The handout includes some Java files called and,, etc.: they are test programs that use the interface and classes you should write in, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete your work. You should read those test programs and try to run them, and also run ./grade to see their expected output — but you must not modify the test programs.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


  • The UML diagram describing the relationship between Vehicle, Minivan, and Truck is similar to the one in Fig. 19: before writing code, it may be helpful to sketch it.

  • The objects of the classes Minivan and Truck need some fields to store the model and registration plate. Feel free to define those fields as you prefer; since they are not mentioned by the Vehicle interface, you can (and should!) make those fields private.

05 - Electronic Devices Shop#

You are helping writing the software that manages the devices sold in a shop. Each device has a model name, and the company wants to organise the devices according to three capabilities: taking pictures, playing music, and making phone calls. More specifically, the company sells the following kinds of devices:

  • Cameras (that take pictures);

  • Music players (that play music);

  • Featurephones (that make phone calls);

  • Smartphones (that make phone calls, take pictures, and play music).

After some analysis, the decision is to write the software based on:

  • a general interface Device for all electronic devices;

  • three interfaces that describe specific device capabilities:

    • CanTakePictures - a device that can take pictures;

    • CanPlayMusic - a device that can play music;

    • CanMakeCalls - a device that can make phone calls;

  • one class for each kind of device sold by the shop

    • Camera, implementing the interface CanTakePictures;

    • MusicPlayer, implementing the interface CanPlayMusic;

    • Featurephone, implementing the interface CanMakeCalls;

    • Smartphone, implementing the interfaces CanMakeCalls, CanTakePictures, CanPlayMusic;

The resulting diagram of interfaces and classes is the following (notice that the diagram includes the methods of the interfaces, and the constructor of each class).

Interfaces and classes for the electronic devices shop

Your task is to edit the file provided in the handout, and write all the interfaces and classes described above.

The handout includes some Java files called and,, etc.: they are test programs that use the interfaces and classes you should write in, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete your work. You should read those test programs and try to run them, and also run ./grade to see their expected output — but you must not modify the test programs.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


  • The arrangement of interfaces and classes of this assessment is quite similar to Example 53.

  • The objects of the classes Camera, MusicPlayer, Featurephone and Smartphone need some fields to store the model and other information (e.g. the number of megapixels, for devices that implement the interface CanTakePictures). Feel free to define those fields as you prefer; since they are not mentioned by the interfaces, you can (and should!) make those fields private.

06 - Video Game Monsters, Part 2#

For this assignment you can reuse and adapt part of the solution to 02 - Video Game Monsters.

The development of the video game is progressing, and the player is expected to face monsters of three different species: wumpus, owlbear, or demogorgon. Each monster has a name and a certain amount of health points; the player can either hit or burn a monster, and the monster can heal and recover health points.

The monster species have different characteristics:

  • Wumpus:

    • Maximum health points: 20

  • Owlbear:

    • Maximum health points: 59

    • Takes half the damage when hit

  • Demogorgon:

    • Maximum health points: 200

    • Takes half the damage when burnt

Your task is to edit the file provided in the handout, and program each species of monster as a separate class Wumpus, Owlbear, and Demogorgon. Each one of these classes has a constructor that takes the monster’s name (as a String), and creates a corresponding monster object with the maximum health points (according to the monsters’ characteristics listed above). All the fields of the monster classes must be private.

Each monster class must implement a Java interface called Monster, with the following methods:

  • public String getDescription()

    which returns a summary with the monster’s name, species, and current health points. For example, a Wumpus called “Horrorface” having 10 health points should return the string: "Horrorface (wumpus; health: 10)"

  • public int getHealth()

    which returns the current health points of the monster. The health points must be between 0 and the monster’s maximum (according to the monsters’ characteristics listed above).

  • public boolean isDead()

    which returns true if the monster has 0 health points, and false otherwise.

  • public void heal(int points)

    which adds the given number of points to the monster’s health, up to the monster’s maximum health points (according to the monsters’ characteristics listed above).

  • public void hit(int damage)

    which reduces the monster’s health points by the given damage — but note that some monsters are resistant to being hit, and only take half the damage (see the monsters’ characteristics listed above).

  • public void burn(int damage)

    which reduces the monster’s health points by the given damage — but note that some monsters are resistant to being burnt, and only take half the damage (see the monsters’ characteristics listed above).

The handout includes some Java files called and,, etc.: they are utility files and test programs that use the class Monster, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete the implementation of class Monster in the file You should read those test programs and try to run them, but you must not modify them. You should also run ./grade and read its reports to see the expected output of the test programs.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


  • The UML diagram describing the relationship between Monster, Wumpus, Owlbear, and Demogorgon is similar to the one in Fig. 19: before writing code, it may be helpful to sketch it.

  • The objects of the classes Wumpus, Owlbear, and Demogorgon need some fields to store the monster’s name and health points. Feel free to define those fields as you prefer — but make sure those fields are private.