Module 7, Part 2: References, null values, and the NullPointerException#

In this second part of Module 7 we explore some “low-level” details of how arrays and objects work in Java. This knowledge may not be immediately necessary for writing simple programs, but it is fundamental for understanding why a Java program may seem to modify its objects (including arrays) in surprising ways, or crash unexpectedly. Moreover, this knowledge helps understanding the exact meaning of null values in Java (which we have briefly encountered before). In the following sections we address:

References (a.k.a. Pointers) to Arrays and Objects#

In this section we address the subtle topic of references (or pointers) to arrays and objects in Java. Although Java does not give us direct access to references/pointers (unlike other programming languages, e.g. C), their presence can become very evident when we change the values stored in an array, or the values of the fields of an object. In the following sub-sections we explore:

These concepts provide the foundations for understanding The null Value and the Dreaded NullPointerException.

Array References and Mutability#

Let us declare two variables a and b of type int[] (i.e. arrays of integers) on the Java shell. We declare a by creating a new array containing the values 10, 20, and 30:

jshell> var a = new int[] {10, 20, 30}
a ==> int[3] { 10, 20, 30 }
|  created variable a : int[]

Then, we define the variable b by assigning to it the value of a:

jshell> var b = a
b ==> int[3] { 10, 20, 30 }
|  created variable b : int[]

By looking at what we wrote, it might seem that we have defined the variable b as a “copy” of a. Indeed, the Java shell reports that the contents of variables a and b are the same: they both consist of an array containing the elements 10, 20, 30.

Let us now modify e.g. the 2nd element of the array of variable b:

jshell> b[1] = 999
jshell> b
b ==> int[3] { 10, 999, 30 }

As expected, the Java shell shows that the 2nd element of the array of variable b has been changed, and it has now value 999 (while it was 20 before). Let’s now check the contents of the array in the variable a:

jshell> a
a ==> int[3] { 10, 999, 30 }

The array of the variable a has been modified, too!

This happens because in Java, arrays are handled by reference: in other words, the result of an array creation expression like new int[] {10, 20, 30} is a reference (or pointer) to a newly-created array instance, which is stored in the computer memory managed by Java (in a memory area called the heap). Such a reference/pointer is essentially the address of the memory location where the actual array data is stored.

Consequently, in the example above, the variable a does not contain a “full copy” of the array (and the values contained in the array): instead, the variable a only contains a reference (a.k.a. pointer) to that array. This is depicted below: the “heap memory” contains the array data (length and elements), and a just contains a reference to it.

Local variable 'a' and array data stored in the heap

Correspondingly, when we define var b = a, we are not “copying the whole array of a into b”: we are only copying the value of the variable a (which is just a reference/pointer to the array data) into the variable b — and therefore, the variable b will contain a reference/pointer to the same array data already referenced by a. In technical terms, the variables a and b are aliases that reference the same array data. This is depicted below.

Local variables 'a' and 'b' are aliases that refer to the same array data on the heap


You can observe a similar phenomenon in BlinkenBits. E.g., suppose that the register r0 contains the value 42, which is the address of a memory location which contains some data. If we execute the instruction r1 <- r0, we are copying the value contained in r0 into r1: as a result, both r0 and r1 will contain the value 42, so both registers contain the address of the same memory location. Note that by executing r1 <- r0 we are not “copying” the data which is stored in the memory location with address 42!

The consequence of all the above is: if we use variable b to change the array elements (e.g. by setting b[1] = 999), the change is also visible through variable a — because a and b reference the same array data. The vice versa is also true: if we use variable a to change the array elements, the change is also visible through variable b. This is depicted below.

When the array data is updated via 'b', the change is also visible via 'a'


Continuing the note above, we can observe a similar phenomenon in BlinkenBits. Assume that both registers r0 andr1 contain the value 42, which is the address of a memory location containing the value 10. In this case, the registers r0 and r1 they are acting as aliases referring to the same memory location; therefore, any change to that memory location performed via register r0 is visible through register r1 — and vice versa.

For instance, suppose that register r2 contains the value 999. Let us execute the following instruction, which writes the value 999 at the memory location pointed by r0:

memory@r0 <- r2

This will change the content of the memory location at address 42: it was 10, it becomes 999.

Then, let us load the value at the memory location pointed by r1 into r3:

r3 <- memory@r1

This last instruction load the value contained in the memory location at address 42. That value is 999, and it was previously written using register r0.

Example 47 below shows how Java handles memory and references in more detail. The main takeaways are:

  • while it runs, a Java method stores its variables in a dedicated memory area called the memory stack; however,

  • arrays are always stored in on the memory heap, and their data is handled using references.

Then, Example 48 shows what happens when an array is passed as argument to another method that modifies it.

Example 47 (Java stack, heap, and array references)

Consider the following Java program:

 1class StackHeapReferences {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var n1 = 42;
 4        var n2 = n1;
 6        var a = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
 7        var b = a;
 9        b[1] = 999;
10        System.out.println(a[1]);
11    }

When the program starts and begins the execution of the main static method (line 2), the program memory is organised as shown in the following picture:

  • the stack memory frame of main is used as a “working area” by the main method, to store the values of its local variables. When main starts executing, its stack memory only contains the variable args coming from the method argument;

  • the heap is a global memory area used by the whole program. It contains a sequence of memory locations, each one having its own address. In the picture below, the memory locations at addresses 1024, 1028, etc. are available for storing data.

Stack and heap when method 'main' begins its execution

When the execution reaches line 3 of the program, Java allocates on the stack some space for the value of the variable n1, and stores 42 there. This corresponds to the intuition that “the variable n1 has the value 42 — and indeed, this intuition is correct for variables of all primitive types in Java.

Stack allocation and initialisation of variable 'n1'

When the execution reaches line 4, the program allocates on the stack some space for the value of the variable n2, and copies there the value of n1 (i.e. 42). Again, this corresponds to the intuition that “the variable n2 has the value 42.

Stack allocation and initialisation of variable 'n2'

When the execution reaches line 6, things become more complicated:

  • Java allocates on the stack some space for the variable a;

  • then, Java creates the array by executing new int[] {10, 20, 30}.

Now, new stores the array data on the heap: in this example, it stores the data starting from memory address 1024, by writing the array size (i.e. 3) followed by the array values (i.e. 10, 20, 30)

Stack allocation of variable 'a' and creation of the array on the heap

To complete the execution of line 6, a reference the newly-created array data on the heap is stored in the stack location for variable a. That reference is, in essence, the memory address of the newly-created array data. (In this example, that address is 1024.) Therefore, a variable like a (of type array) does not contain the actual array data: it merely contains a reference (or pointer) to the array data on the heap.

Initialisation of the variable 'a' on the stack

When the execution reaches line 7, the program allocates on the stack some space for the variable b, and copies there the value of a (i.e. the memory address 1024). (This is similar to how, on line 4, the variable n2 was initialised by copying the value of variable n1.)

Stack allocation and initialisation of variable 'b'

At this point, the variables a and b are aliases that refer to the same array data stored in the heap. Therefore, on line 9, the assignment b[1] = 999 modifies the 2nd element of the same array that we created on line 6 (and is also referenced by a).

Update of the array contents (on the heap)

Consequently, when line 10 prints the current value of a[1], it prints the value 999.

Example 48 (Passing an array as argument to a method)

We now see how a Java method can modify an array received as argument, and how the modification can be seen in the code that called the method.

Consider the following Java program: it is similar to the one in Example 47, except that it passes the array b to the static method modify — which, in turn, modifies the 2nd element of the argument array arr:

 1class StackHeapReferences {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var n1 = 42;
 4        var n2 = n1;
 6        var a = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
 7        var b = a;
 9        modify(b);
10        System.out.println(a[1]);
11    }
13    static void modify(int[] arr) {
14        arr[1] = 999;
15    }

This program runs similarly to the one in Example 47, until it reaches the call to modify(b) on line 9. At that point, the stack and heap memory look as follows:

Stack and heap just before calling 'modify(b)'

When the method call modify(b) is executed, two things happen:

  1. Java allocates a new stack memory frame as “working area” for the method modify(arr). In that memory area, the method modify(arr) stores its local variables — beginning with the argument variable arr. (Meanwhile, the stack memory used by main is still there, with its local variables)

  2. The variable arr in the stack frame of modify(arr) is initialised with the value passed with the method call modify(b) in main: i.e. the value of b in main (which is a reference to the heap memory address 1024) is copied in arr.

As a consequence, the variable arr in the method modify points to the same array data (on the heap) that is also pointed by variables a and b in the method main.

Stack allocation and initialisation of variable 'arr'

When the program execution reaches line 14, modify(arr) performs the assignment arr[1] = 999 — which changes the value in the 2nd position of the array stored on the heap (which is also referenced by a and b in main).

Update of the array contents (on the heap)

Then, the method modify(arr) ends: its stack frame is removed, and the execution goes back to line 10 of the method main(args) (which keeps using its own stack frame).

End of 'modify(arr)', elimination of its stack frame

Consequently, when line 10 of main(args) prints the current value of a[1], it prints the value 999.

Summing up: the method modify(arr) has modified the array arr received as argument; and the method main(args) can notice that its arrays a and b have been changed after calling modify(b).

Object References and Mutability#

What we wrote above about arrays applies, more generally, to all objects in Java:

  • When Java executes e.g. var x = new ClassName(...) to create an object of a class called ClassName, the new object is stored in the memory heap, and new just returns a reference/pointer to that object — which in this example is used to initialise the variable x.

  • Then, if we write e.g. var y = x, the variable y becomes an alias of the same object already referenced by x. Therefore, any change applied to that object via variable x is visible via y, and vice versa.

This is illustrated in more detail in Example 49 below.

Example 49 (Passing an array as argument to a method)

This example explains in detail what was outlined in Remark 16 — i.e. how a method can modify an object received as argument.

Suppose we have the following class definition:

1class Point {
2    int x;
3    int y;

Consider the following Java program, which uses the class Point above:

 1class StackHeapReferences2 {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var n = 42;
 4        var p1 = new Point();
 5        var p2 = p1;
 7        modify(p2);
 8        System.out.println(p1.y);
 9    }
11    static void modify(Point p) {
12        p.y = 999;
13    }

Similarly to Example 47, the program begins executing the static method main (line 2) with the argument variable args on the stack frame. The heap area has some available space (in this example, at the memory addresses starting with 2048).

Stack and heap when method 'main' begins its execution

After the program executes line 3, Java allocates some stack space for the int variable n and stores there the primitive value 42.

Allocation and initialisation of variable 'n' on the stack

When the execution reaches line 4, two things happen:

  • the variable p1 is allocated on the stack;

  • new Point() stores a new object of the class Point on the heap memory: in this example, new stores information about the class of the new object (Point, at memory address 2048) and the values of the object’s fields (x at address 2052, y at address 2056); both fields are initialised with the default value 0.

Allocation and initialisation an object of class 'Point' on the heap

The execution of line 4 completes by saving in the variable p1 a reference (or pointer) to the new object’s memory address (2048). Consequently, the variable p1 does not contain the “whole” object: it just contains a reference to the object data, which is stored in the heap memory.

Initialisation of the variable  on the stack

After the execution of line 5 (i.e. var p2 = p1), the variable p2 is allocated on the stack, and contains a copy of p1’s value — i.e. a copy of the reference to the Point object stored in the heap memory address 2048. Consequently, p1 and p2 are now aliases that refer to the same Point object stored in the heap.

Initialisation of the variable  on the stack

On line 7, the method call modify(p2) creates a new stack frame as “working area” for the method modify(p), where the local variable p contains a copy of the value of the call argument p2 — i.e. a copy of the reference to the Point object stored in the heap memory address 2048.

Creation of the stack frame of 'modify(p)'

Now, when line 12 is executed (i.e. p.y = 999), the field y of the object referenced by p is updated with the value 999. Consequently, this update modifies the same object that is also referenced by p1 and p2 in the method main.

Update of the object referenced by 'p'

When the method modify(p) ends, Java eliminates its stack frame, and the execution continues in method main on line 8, which prints the value of p1.y.

Update of the object referenced by 'p'

Since the variable p1 references the same object that has been modified by calling modify(p2), the program prints 999.

Summing up: the method modify(p) has modified the object p received as argument; and the method main(args) can notice that its objects p1 and p2 have been changed after calling modify(p2).

References in Arrays of Objects (and in Arrays of Arrays)#

We now know that all Java objects (and arrays) are allocated on the heap, and new produces a reference to a heap location. A consequence of this fact is: when we define an array of objects (or an array of arrays), we are actually defining an array of references to objects (or arrays). This is illustrated in Example 50 below.

Example 50 (References in an array of arrays)

Consider the following program, that defines an array arr, and then uses it to define a bidimensional array arrArr:

 1class ArrayOfArrayReferences {
 2    public static void main(String[] args) {
 3        var arr = new int[] {10, 20};
 4        var arrArr = new int[][] {arr, arr};
 6        for (var i = 0; i < arrArr.length; i++) {
 7            for (var j = 0; j < arrArr[i].length; j++) {
 8                System.out.println("arrArr["+i+"]["+j+"] == " + arrArr[i][j]);
 9            }
10        }
12        System.out.println("*****   Assigning: arr[1] = 999   *****");
13        arr[1] = 999;
15        for (var i = 0; i < arrArr.length; i++) {
16            for (var j = 0; j < arrArr[i].length; j++) {
17                System.out.println("arrArr["+i+"]["+j+"] == " + arrArr[i][j]);
18            }
19        }
20    }

By looking at the program, it may seem that the array arr is copied (twice) inside arrArr. However, this is not the case: arrArr only contains two references to the array also referenced by arr; consequently, when the element at index 1 of arr is modified (on line 13). the change is also visible via arrArr.

More in detail, the program runs as follows. When main(args) begins its execution (on line 2), its stack frame only contains the argument variable args, and the heap has some available space (in this example, the memory locations at addresses 1024–1044).

Stack and heap when method 'main' begins its execution

When var arr = new int[] {10, 20} is executed (on line 3), the following happens:

  • the variable arr is allocated on the stack;

  • the new array data is stored on the heap. In this example, the memory location at address 1024 contains the array size (2), and the locations that follow contain the array values (10 and 20);

  • the reference to the new array data (returned by new int[]...) is stored in the stack location of variable arr.

Allocation of variable  on the stack, with a reference to the array data on the heap

When var arrArr = new int[][] {arr, arr} (line 4) is executed, the following happens:

  • the variable arrArr is allocated on the stack;

  • the new array data is stored on the heap. In this example, the memory location at address 1036 contains the array size (2), and the locations that follow contain the array values — which are copies of the value of arr, i.e. references to the array data stored at memory address 1024;

  • the reference to the new array data (returned by new int[][]...) is stored in the stack location of variable arrArr.

Consequently, each element of the array referenced by the variable arrArr is itself a reference to the same array data (stored in the heap) that is also referenced by the variable arr.

Allocation of variable  on the stack, with a reference to the array data on the heap

At this point, the first loop in the program (lines 6–10) prints:

arrArr[0][0] == 10
arrArr[0][1] == 20
arrArr[1][0] == 10
arrArr[1][1] == 20

When the execution reaches the assignment arr[1] = 999 (line 13), the value stored at index 1 of the array referenced by arr is changed to 999.

Update of the array data stored on the heap

As a consequence, the second loop in the program (lines 15–19) prints:

arrArr[0][0] == 10
arrArr[0][1] == 999
arrArr[1][0] == 10
arrArr[1][1] == 999

You can observe that the change applied to the array referenced by arr is also visible through arrArr.

The null Value and the Dreaded NullPointerException#

In Remark 15 we have seen that, if we create an array without providing its contents, then the array will be filled with default values, which depend on the array type. For instance, an array of type int[] will be filled with 0: (try this on the Java shell)

jshell> var numbers = new int[3];
numbers ==> int[3] { 0, 0, 0 }
|  created variable numbers : int[]

Similarly, in Example 37 and when discussing constructors, we have seen that, when we create an object, its fields initially contain a default value (and we can define a constructor that immediately assigns another value to the fields, if needed).

An important thing to know is that in Java, the default value for objects is null. We have previously mentioned that, intuitively, the null value represents a “missing object” (or a “missing array”); now, with our understanding of references (a.k.a. pointers) in Java, we can be more precise: the null value represents a “missing” reference (a.k.a. pointer) to an object.

This means that:

  • The null value might be used wherever an object (or array) is expected. For instance, if you define the variable:

    var str = "Hello!";

    you could later assign the null value to it:

    str = null;
  • If you create an array of objects without specifying the contents, it will be filled with null values. For example: (try this on the Java shell!)

    jshell> var arr = new String[5]
    arr ==> String[5] { null, null, null, null, null }
    |  created variable arr : String[]
  • The same happens when creating an array of arrays without specifying the size or contents of the “inner” arrays (because in Java, arrays are objects, too). For example: (try this on the Java shell!)

    jshell> var arrArr = new int[2][]
    arrArr ==> int[2][] { null, null }
    |  created variable arrArr : int[][]

    Observe that the array referenced by arrArr contains 2 null values, representing “missing” references to arrays (in this case, such “missing” arrays have type int[])

  • Also, if an object field is expected to contain an object, then it will contain null by default (and the constructor can assign a different value, if needed). For example, try creating the following class Test on the Java shell:

    class Test {
        String field1;
        int[] field2;

    Observe that the class fields are expected to contain an object (of the class String) and an array of integers (and in Java, arrays are objects, too). Now, try creating an object of the class Test and visualising the (default) values contained in its fields:

    jshell> var t = new Test()
    t ==> Test@30dae81
    |  created variable t : Test
    jshell> System.out.println("Field 1: " + t.field1);
    Field 1: null
    jshell> System.out.println("Field 2: " + t.field2);
    Field 2: null

Checking Whether a Variable, Array Position, or Object Field Contains null#

We can check whether a variable, an array position, or an object field contains the null value with a simple comparison: (try the following code snippets on the Java Shell, continuing the examples above)

if (str == null) {
    System.out.println("the variable 'str' contains null!");
} else {
    System.out.println("the variable 'str' does not contain null");
if (arr[1] == null) {
    System.out.println("arr[1] contains null!");
} else {
    System.out.println("arr[2] does not contain null");
if (arrArr[0] == null) {
    System.out.println("arrArr[0] contains null!");
} else {
    System.out.println("arrArr[0] does not contain null");
if (t.field1 == null && t.field2 == null) {
    System.out.println("Both t.field1 and t.field2 contain null!");
} else {
    System.out.println("t.field1 or t.field2 does not contain null");

The NullPointerException Error#

If a program tries to call a method of a null value, or access a field of a null value, then the program will crash during its execution, with the error NullPointerException.

For instance, continuing the examples above, one might expect that:

  • the variable str has type String, so we should be allowed to call its method toLowerCase()

  • similarly, arr[0] has type String, so we should be allowed to call its method toUpperCase();

  • arrArr[0] has type int[], so we should be allowed to access its field length:

  • arrArr[0] has type int[], so we should be allowed to access its element arrArr[0][0];

Indeed, Java will let us write code that performs these operations (without reporting any type error) and will let us run that code — but when such operations are actually executed, they will produce a NullPointerException error. We can observe such errors on the Java shell: (continuing the examples above)

jshell> str.toLowerCase()
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.toUpperCase()" because "...str" is null
jshell> arr[0].toUpperCase()
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.toUpperCase()" because "...arr[0]" is null
jshell> arrArr[0].length
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read the array length because "...arrArr[0]" is null
jshell> arrArr[0][0]
|  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot load from int array because "...arrArr[0]" is null

For this reason, when writing Java code, it is important to consider whether our code might try, while running, to call a method on a null value, or access a field of a null value, or index an element of a null value. Correspondingly, we may want to include checks to see whether a variable, array element, or object field is null.


NullPointerException errors are probably the most common bug in Java programs, and they arise when a programmer writes code that introduces or mishandles a null value (i.e., a “missing” reference to an object or array) while the program runs.

Summing up what we wrote above, null values can be introduced in five main ways:

  • The programmer has manually written null in the code, e.g. by assigning it to a variable, or passing it as an argument to a method.

  • The programmer has defined an uninitialised array of objects (or an array of arrays), and has left some array element with the default value null.

  • The programmer has created an object with a field that should be an object (or an array), but that field has been left with the default value null.

  • The programmer has declared an uninitialised variable whose type is a class or an array, using e.g. the syntax:

    String stringVar; // Uninitialised variable of type String
    int[] arrayVar;   // Uninitialised variable of type int[]

    and after that variable has been declared, the programmer leaves it with its default value (which is null).


    You can try executing String stringVar on the Java shell: you will see that the newly-declared variable stringVar has type String and contains null (i.e., the default value for objects). When this happens, calling e.g. stringVar.length() causes a NullPointerException error.

    Observe that these lecture notes adopt a more modern Java syntax for declaring variables, i.e., var str = .... This syntax forces us to provide an expression to initialise the newly-declared variable — and this way, introducing nulls by mistake is considerably more difficult.

  • The programmer has used some method (possibly written by others) that returns null, or modifies some object (or array) given as argument by assigning null to its fields (or array elements).

After a null value has been introduced in the data handled by a running program, the program can end up “multiplicating” that null value by assigning it to other variables, object fields, and array elements. Therefore, if a program crashes with a NullPointerException error, the problem can be very hard to debug: tracking down the origin of a null value and fixing it can take a lot of time!

Concluding Remarks#

You should now have an understanding of these topics:


After the discussion on array and object references, we can now exactly understand why we should not (usually) compare arrays and object using the operator ==: that operator compares array/object references and returns true if two references are equal (i.e. if they are aliases that point to the same array/object in the heap memory).

You can try it by yourself on the Java shell. First, define the following variables and arrays:

var a = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
var b = a;
var c = new int[] {1, 2, 3};

Then, you can observe that:

  • a == b produces true, because a and b are aliases for the same array in the memory heap (as shown above);

  • a == c produces false, because a and c contain references to different arrays in the heap memory (although those two arrays contain exactly the same values).

References and Further Readings#

You are invited to read the following sections of the reference book: (Note: they sometimes mention Java features that we will address later in the course)

  • Section 3.1 - “Creating Objects”

  • Section 8.3 - “Arrays of Objects”

  • Section 8.4 - “Command-Line Arguments”

  • Section 8.6 - “Two-Dimensional Arrays”

The idea of null reference was introduced in 1964/1965 by the famous computer scientist Tony Hoare, and was later adopted by many programming languages. When a programming language offers null references (like Java, C, C++), they become a frequent source of bugs — and for this reason, Tony Hoare has declared that null references have been his “billion dollar mistake.” If you are curious, you can watch Tony Hoare discuss the topic in this talk.



These exercises are not part of the course assessment. They are provided to help you self-test your understanding.

Exercise 29 (Experimenting with arrays of (references to) objects)

Write a Java program based on the one in Example 50 — but, instead of an array of arrays, use an arrays of objects. For example:

  • define a variable p of the class Point (see Example 49);

  • define an array of Points as var points = new Point[] {p, p};

  • show that, if you modify the value of the field p.y, the change is also visible when you print the values of points[0].y and points[1].y.

To understand what is happening, it may be helpful to draw diagrams that outline how the stack and heap are used by the program.

Lab and Weekly Assessments#

During the lab you can try the exercises above or begin your work on the weekly assessments below.


07 - Find the null, part 1#

Your task is to edit the file provided in the handout, and implement the following 4 static methods (in the class NullFinder):

  • static boolean containsNull(int[] arr)
  • static boolean containsNull(String[] arr)
  • static boolean containsNull(int[][] arrArr)
  • static boolean containsNull(String[][] arrArr)

Each one of the static methods must inspect its argument, and return true if the argument itself is null, or if it is an array that contains a null value somewhere. Otherwise (i.e., if the argument is an array that does not contain any null value), the static methods must return false.

The handout includes some Java files called,, etc.: they are test programs and utility methods to test the class NullFinder, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete the implementation of You should read those files and try to run the test programs, but you must not modify them.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


The automatic grading on DTU Autolab includes some additional secret checks that test your submission with more arrays. After you submit, double-check your grading result on DTU Autolab: if the secret checks fail, then your solution is not correct, and you should fix it and resubmit.


To save some work, you can implement the 3rd static method above by calling the 1st, and the 4th static method by calling the 2nd…


  • The static methods that take as argument an array of arrays must also support jagged arrays.

  • In an array of arrays, the “inner” arrays might contain nulls (depending on their type): the static methods above must check whether this happens, when appropriate.

  • You might notice that we are defining multiple (static) methods that have the same name (containsNull) but take different types of arguments: technically, this is called overloading.

08 - Array Deep-Copy#

This is a follow-up to 01 - Array Equality, and the starting point is your updated file with your implementations of the static methods areEqual(arr1, arr2) and areEqual(arrArr1, arrArr2). Your task is to implement the following additional static methods:

  • static int[] deepCopy(int[] arr)

    which returns a deep copy of the given array arr — i.e. a new array that contains the same number of int values contained in arr, and where each value is equal to the corresponding value in arr. In other words:

    • calling areEqual(arr, deepCopy(arr)) must always return true; and

    • if we define var copy = deepCopy(arr), then changing a value of the array copy must not change the contents of the original array arr.

  • static int[][] deepCopy(int[][] arrArr)

    which returns a deep copy of the given array of arrays arrArr — i.e. a new array that contains same number of arrays of arrArr, and where each array is a deep copy of the corresponding array in arrArr. In other words:

    • calling areEqual(arrArr, deepCopy(arrArr)) must always return true; and

    • if we define var copy = deepCopy(arrArr), then changing a value of the array of arrays copy must not change the contents of the original array of arrays arrArr.

The handout includes some Java files called,, etc.: they are test programs that use the code you should write in, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete your work. You should read those test programs, try to run the tests, and also run ./grade to see their expected outputs — but you must not modify those files.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


  • After you implement the first static method above, you might reuse it to implement the second.

  • To create an array of arrays containing n uninitialised arrays, you can write e.g.: (try this on the Java shell!)

    var arrArr = new int[n][];

    This way, the array arrArr contains n elements, and each one of them is null (i.e. each element of arrArr is a “missing” reference to an array of integers). You can then assign an actual array of integers to each element of arrArr, e.g.:

    arrArr[0] = new int[] {1, 2, 3};


You might notice that we are defining two (static) methods that have the same name (deepCopy) but take a different number and/or types of arguments: technically, this is called overloading.

09 - Find the null, part 2#

This assignment is similar to 07 - Find the null, part 1. The handout includes the file, which (unlike 07 - Find the null, part 1) contains the definitions of two classes (with the respective constructors), which you must not modify:

  • Employee, and

  • Company, which has one field that is an array of Employee objects.

Your task is to edit the file and implement the following 3 static methods in the class NullFinder:

  • static boolean containsNull(Employee[] arr)
  • static boolean containsNull(Company c)
  • static boolean containsNull(Company[] arr)

Each one of the static methods must inspect its argument, and return true if the argument itself is null, or if it contains a null value somewhere (e.g., a Company object contains an array of Employees, and the name of one of them might be null…). Otherwise, the static methods must return false.

The handout includes some Java files called,, etc.: they are test programs and utility methods to test the class NullFinder, and they might not compile or work correctly until you complete the implementation of You should read those files and try to run the test programs, but you must not modify them.

When you are done, submit the modified file on DTU Autolab.


The automatic grading on DTU Autolab includes some additional secret checks that test your static methods with more arguments. After you submit, double-check your grading result on DTU Autolab: if the secret checks fail, then your solution is not correct, and you should fix it and resubmit.


If may want to implement the static methods in the order given above: this way, you can implement the 2nd method by calling the 1st, and the 3rd by calling the 2nd…


You might notice that we are defining multiple (static) methods that have the same name (containsNull) but take different types of arguments: technically, this is called overloading.